Vornitis Paschalis Lagadas Car Service - Service - Lagadas Engine Repair

8189 Visitors:
Address: Agios Vasilios
Area: Lagadas
Telephone: 2394051477
Mobile: 6977824149
P.C.: 57200
Fax: 2394051477
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
The car dealership “Vornitis Paschalis” in Lagadas and more specifically in the Holy Kingdom, has been near you for many years offering high standard services for your car. With a state-of-the-art car workshop in Lagadas as well as specialized staff, we can handle any job that concerns your car. Car Service, Exhaust Card, Tires, Car Air Conditioning Service, Mechanical Works, Electronic Diagnostics and many more. With our experience and the help of our high-tech machinery we ar...
8189 Visitors:

Agios Vasilios, Lagadas

8189 Visitors:

The car dealership “Vornitis Paschalis” in Lagadas and more specifically in the Holy Kingdom, has been near you for many years offering high standard services for your car.

With a state-of-the-art car workshop in Lagadas as well as specialized staff, we can handle any job that concerns your car. Car Service, Exhaust Card, Tires, Car Air Conditioning Service, Mechanical Works, Electronic Diagnostics and many more.

With our experience and the help of our high-tech machinery we are able to provide you with complete and specialized workshop services and anything related to your car.

Keeping abreast of the latest technological developments in the automotive sector, our highly trained staff guarantees you the quality of the work result that will be achieved in your vehicle.


Vornitis Paschalis Lagadas Car Service - Service - Lagadas Engine Repair Car service
Vornitis Paschalis Lagadas Car Service - Service - Lagadas Engine Repair Exhaust card
Vornitis Paschalis Lagadas Car Service - Service - Lagadas Engine Repair Tires
Vornitis Paschalis Lagadas Car Service - Service - Lagadas Engine Repair Car air conditioner service
Vornitis Paschalis Lagadas Car Service - Service - Lagadas Engine Repair Mechanical works
Vornitis Paschalis Lagadas Car Service - Service - Lagadas Engine Repair Online diagnosis
8189 Visitors:

Agios Vasilios

Telephone: 2394051477
Mobile: 6977824149

Working Hours
